Womadelaide 2023

Posted: January 31, 2023 in Uncategorized

With just over a month to go until Womadelaide 2023 its time to get excited and it looks like it going to be a cracker of an event.

A few of these Acts I have been lucky to have seen and Photographed previously, at Womadelaide and other festivals and shows.

One of the highlights from Womadelaide 2018 was not a band but the nightly high flying performance – Gratte Ciel coming back to perform overhead again on all 4 nights to Botanic park for their high flying aerobatic display accompanied by a great musical score and Angels and of course lots of feathers. It is one of those performances that is very hard to describe without seeing it first hand.

You can read about the sustainability of the feathers used on the Womadelaide website.

There is a mix of big name International Acts at Womadelaide 2023 including Billy Bragg who last performed at Womad in 2014 who I captured playing on Stage 2

The feature performance on Saturday night is Florence and the Machine who performed in Adelaide at Botanic park just a few years back and Aurora from Norway playing Friday night. Bon Iver from the USA are also going to be playing showcasing their music from the last 15 years.

The Proclaimers from Scotland are also heading over to play and will no doubt be playing their hit “500 miles” as well as material from their recently released album.

Angel Olsen is also on the artist list and I first caught her playing at Laneway festival in 2015 down at Port Adelaide and captured a few photos. Her style is pretty laid back which will suit the Monday timeslot when most attendees are looking for some time to chill and listen

Also returning are the Kronos quartet who look they are doing a final tour before calling timeout. They played at Womadelaide Earthstation back in 2011 in Belair National Park. I always though it was a shame this sister event only was a once off as the location was great and some great speakers with the focus more heavily on sustainability rather than primarily the music.

Monday night sees one of the stalwarts of African music returning with Youssou N’Dour and his superband performing. He is no stranger to Womadelaide having performed many time over the years. This capture is from 2008 at Womadelaide

This list is just scratching the surface of the diverse and spectacular artists that have been invited to join the Womadelaide experience in 2023. For those into dance the Bangarra dance theatre perform Friday night also.

Womadelaide is one of Adelaides premiere events and is held over 4 days in the beautiful surrounds of Botanic park in the city. Remember that Womad is not just about those artists you already know about but the other performers you know very little about but are almost always a pleasant surprise of new music or dance that fall outside what you would usually go and see but leaves you refreshed and inspired. The event is VERY kid friendly with a kid zone and free entry for kids accompanied by adults ( refer conditions )

For the full lineup head to https://www.womadelaide.com.au/lineup

To see more images Ive taken from past Womadelaides check out the galleries at https://www.craftypics.com/Music

For tickets go to https://www.womadelaide.com.au/tickets

See you at Womadelaide 2023 and leave a comment if there is an act that is maybe not so well known but a must see. with so many stages there are always some acts that you just cant fit into the schedule.

To see the images captured at Womadelaide 2023 please head to https://www.craftypics.com/Music

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