Womadelaide 2024

Posted: January 4, 2024 in Uncategorized
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Just over 2 months to go until Womadelaide 2024 comes to Adelaide and once again lots of New music and acts have been announced and its great to explore the unknown. Womadelaide 2023 copped some criticism from many regular Womadelaide festival participants for being overcrowded especially on the Saturday which was sold out was before the event due to the “mainstream” act that was of course Florence and the Machine. It looks like the organisers listened to the comments and this year there are some big International world music acts but no one individual “Super act”.

I for one am excited to see one performance that has played at Womadelaide previously and that is DakhaBrakha from the Ukraine who were a Highlight at Womadelaide 2016. I was so impressed that I caught their performance on both playing days capturing their intensity. I would imagine that with world events their intensity will level up at Womad 2024

Gilberto Gil is also back again after playing Womadelaide a long time ago in 2004 and also returning is the Sharon Shannon Big band who last played at Womadelaide in 2012.

Of course there are other big name acts that have yet to play at Womadelaide such as Ziggy Marley, Morcheeba, José González but the real joy of the artists playing at Womadelaide is Discovery – those bands you’ve never heard of but sound interesting and there is always lots of GOLD at the event thanks to the organisers selections.

For the Full lineup, playing days and tickets head to https://www.womadelaide.com.au/lineup

and to see lots of images captured over the years from Womadelaide check out what I have captured at https://www.craftypics.com/Music

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